
Shib Shankar Ghosh


  • Classes 60
  • Duration 60 hours
  • Skill level Beginners to Advance
  • Mode Bengali/Hindi
  • Students 10-15
  • Assessments Yes
Course Description

In this background the course examines data structures, file organizations, concepts and principles of DBMS's, data analysis, database design, data modeling, database management, data & query optimization, and database implementation.


ISO MSME Certified Government Registered

  • Software Installation
  • Study Materials


  • 1. Introduction to MySQL
    • Lesson 1. What is a database and why do we need SQL?
  • Tables & Queries

    2. How to Create Tables
    • Lesson 1. SQL Data Types.
    • Lesson 2. Primary Keys.
    • Lesson 3. Null values and Not Null Values.
    • Lesson 4. Auto Increment.
    • Lesson 5. 20+ Queries with Solutions.
  • 3. How to Create a Basic Query
    • Lesson 1. Use the Where clause.
    • Lesson 2. Conditional statements.
    • Lesson 3. Multiple conditions.
    • Lesson 4. Comparison Operators.
    • Lesson 5. Logic Values.
    • Lesson 6. Null Values.
    • Lesson 7. Patterns also known as Wildcard characters.
    • Lesson 8. Compare Column Values.
    • Lesson 9. 100+ Queries with Solutions.
  • 4. Advanced Queries
    • Lesson 1. Distinct Values.
    • Lesson 2. Top Values.
    • Lesson 3. Date Functions.
    • Lesson 4. Date Calculations.
    • Lesson 5. Aggregate Functions.
    • Lesson 6. String Functions.
    • Lesson 7. Sort Data.
    • Lesson 8. Rank Data.
    • Lesson 9. Save a Query.
    • Lesson 10. Execute a Query.
    • Lesson 11. Modify a Saved Query.
    • Lesson 12. 100+ Queries with Solutions.
  • Data Analytics

    5. Joins
    • Lesson 1. Inner Join.
    • Lesson 2. Left Join.
    • Lesson 3. Full Outer Join.
    • Lesson 4. Self-Join.
    • Lesson 5. Unions.
    • Lesson 6. Except and Intersect.
    • Lesson 7. Presenting and Making Sense of Query Results.
    • Lesson 8. Saving the Query Results and Exporting.
    • Lesson 9. Generating Reports.
    • Lesson 10. 50+ Queries Subqueriws & Joining Solutions.
  • 6. Tables & Queries
    • Lesson 1. Importing and Exporting Data.
    • Lesson 2. Update Data.
    • Lesson 3. 10+ Queries with Solutions.
  • 7. Queries
    • Lesson 1. Distinct Values.
    • Lesson 2. Top Values.
    • Lesson 3. Subqueries.
    • Lesson 4. Views.
    • Lesson 5. 10+ Queries with Solutions.
    • Lesson 1. Create a Simple View.
    • Lesson 2. With Check Option.
  • 9. Transaction Control
    • Lesson 1. Commit Command.
    • Lesson 2. Rollback Command.
    • Lesson 3. Save Point Command.
    • Lesson 4. Auto Commit On Off Command.
    • Lesson 5. 20+ Queries with Solutions.
  • 10. MySQL Functions
    • Lesson 1. String to Date and Date Format.
    • Lesson 2. Control Flow Functions.
    • Lesson 3. Casting Functions.
    • Lesson 4. 100+ Queries with Solutions.